Friday, October 30, 2015

Ok for all who travel in and around and thru New Braunfels... Sunday is the day when you cannot use your cell phone or you will be ticketed! Just an fyi!
Also it was a great turn out for the Halloween Spooktacular in Downtown New Braunfels yesterday..saw some really neat ideas... like a real live cabbage patch doll!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Several things happening....
If you haven't already done your early is a great to go vote.
Proposition 1 is a good thing for all Texan homeowners!

What's happening downtown New Braunfels... Thursday evening is the Halloween Spooktacular, bring your kids, grandkids and walk the downtown for candy and treats!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Early voting has started here in Texas!
A very important proposition #1 for any homeowner is to vote yes to make your homestead exemption go from $15,000 to $25,000. If you have purchased a home with me you know that I tell you many times to file for homestead exemption which saves you money... Get out and vote!

Friday, October 16, 2015

Your best first step!
Live and learn by Laurie and Jim that truly the best step to buying a home is to get with a local lender and get pre-approved for a loan. So that when you do find the right home for you, you are ready to make a good decision. The lenders have on-line applications that you can fill in and then they will tell you what you can afford. Then my job starts with helping you find the "perfect" home! This will make you a make you a stronger buyer!

I have local lenders that help you with this process...just contact me and let's get started!
New Braunfels is a great place to live, so many things to do, places to eat, lots of entertainment.

"Life is good in New Braunfels!"